MFN was able to get an interview with Mr. Aljaž Molek; Technical Sales Representative of FerroČrtalič.
What makes a company successful and sustainable? As we know, there is no fixed algorithm to predict or determine this. The variables today are more than ever before, and more significantly, global in nature. At MFN, our gauge has been rather simple and very effective. MFN first reported on LBTI in 2014 and then interviewed Mike Langtry, owner and President of Langtry Blast Technologies Inc. (LBTI) in 2015 (MFN Volume 16) when he explained his business philosophy, company goals and general impression of the blast-cleaning and shot-peening industry. LBTI recently celebrated its 15th anniversary and continues to grow stronger with each passing year. MFN’s gauge for success and sustainability was alerted again, and its team visited LBTI in Burlington, Ontario (Canada) this past July and found Mike Langtry mentoring two new millwrights and orienting them into this impactful world of cleaning and peening equipment. Like every successful business owner, Mike too was thrilled to meet with the MFN team and share his experiences of growing the company and expectations for the future.
Cover Page
Author : Dr Ampara Aramcharoen
Science Update
Author : Eckart Uhlmann, Constantin Männel*
Shot Peening in the Automotive Industry
Author : Mario Guagliano
Good Vibrations
Author : Mathieu Geuting
Off the Beaten Track
Author : Giovanni Gregorat
From Editor's Desk
Author : Andrzej Wojtas