
VOL. 22 May ISSUE YEAR 2021


MFN had the opportunity to talk to Dr. Andreas Funk, product manager process water treatment and consumables at Walther Trowal GmbH & Co. KG, Haan, Germany.

OTEC has welcomed its latest addition to the SF Series family. The SF-HP is designed for precision surface finishing of heavy and large workpieces for industries such as aerospace, food, forming tools, machinery construction, energy, oil and gas. MFN was able to get an interview with Armen Papanian, Head of International Sales at OTEC Präzisionsfinish GmbH.

Cover Page

Author : Riccardo Cristiani

Science Update

MFN Trainer Column

Author : Marco Klijsen

Off the Beaten Track

Author : Giovanni Gregorat

From Editor's Desk

Author : Dr. Tan Kai Liang
