in Vol. 15 - January Issue - Year 2014
Asset Disposals From Former GKN UK Sites

ABB robotic welding cells at GKN structures, Telford, UK

Plascoat pre-treatment and coating line at former GKN Driveline, Aldridge, UK
Riley Surface World has announced site clearances of robotic welding and coating plant & equipment from two former GKN automotive production facilities in the UK.
The first sale is from GKN Structures (part of GKN Land Systems) in Telford. Following the completion of a major project, the company has a quantity of surplus ABB robotic welding equipment available previously used in the production of vehicle chassis. The robots can be re-configured for many other industrial applications.
The inventory includes two fully contained MIG welding cells, each containing two ABB model 1400 welding robots and one model 6400 S4C manipulating robot with mechanical transfer and full HMI interface. The robots were commissioned in 2010, so are still relatively new and well maintained.
The second clearance concerns the former GKN Driveline site in Aldridge, near Birmingham. It originally housed a large e-coating plant, which has now been de-commissioned. This has resulted in a quantity of ancillary equipment becoming available, including a Plascoat Systems pre-treatment and coating line, a Pollution Control Products burn-off oven, paint mixing room, effluent treatment plant, boiler house installation, and a selection of storage tanks and cooling towers.
Both sales are available for a limited period until December 2013.
Riley Surface World was established in 1968. It has developed from a traditional machinery merchant into a global marketing platform for the surface finishing industry. It has over 1000 items of new and used plant and machinery, and provides technical consultancy, factory clearances, decommissioning, auctions, and a wide range of marketing services to companies worldwide.
For Information:
Riley Surface World
Middlemore Lane West, Aldridge
West Midlands, WS9 8BG, UK
Tel. +44.1922.45 8000
Fax +44.1922.45 8001
E-mail: helen@rileysurfaceworld.co.uk