From Editor's Desk
in Vol. 21 - May Issue - Year 2020
ICSP14, See You Next Year

Mario Guagliano
I think that most of you remember my last Editorial on MFN, proud to announce the next 14th International Conference on Shot Peening, to be held in Milan, September 2020.
Since that time when we started organizing the conference, we received many good quality abstracts from all over the World and the interest of many companies in exhibiting their products and services at ICSP14. Everything was running finely!
But, we know what happened meanwhile. A terrible virus, known as COVID-19 or Corona virus, is infecting a great part of our planet! Everything changed suddenly. Many people continue to die, many more are infected and the hospitals are crowded, with so many problems for providing necessary healthcare. Personally, I have been locked at home for several weeks (only going out just for buying food or other necessary things for survival) and I do not know how long this home isolation will last! I suppose many of you are in (or have experimented) a similar situation, even if I hope that I am wrong. Another important aspect is that the economy is markedly slowing down, with the risk of stopping many companies and causing a deep social international crisis. And, for sure, people are not going to travel, either for business or pleasure and sightseeing in the next future. Many events have been cancelled or postponed everywhere. The list is long, I cite just the Olympics Games, planned next July in Japan, now postponed to 2021.
And how about ICSP14? We tried to hold on and resist any delay, optimistically thinking that in September, everything would be solved, but this is not the case. Even if the health problems will be over at that time (and we all hope that), the priorities this year are our concern about others. So, we have decided to postpone ICSP14 to 2021, without waiting anymore. I think this is a wise decision, respectful of the moment we are living through today, even if it give me deep regret. However, we keep on taking care and we keep on doing our best to have an exciting and successful event next year: we count on your renewed interest for ICSP14!
While the location remains the same (Campus Bovisa, Politecnico Milano) the date is not fixed yet: we will keep you informed about this and other news on the website of the conference (www.icsp14.org) that remains alive and active.
Last but not least, let me thank the MFN Staff, who are all supporting us for 2021. I hope to see you at ICSP14 next year, also to celebrate together the definitive end of the emergency. Hold on and....arrivederci a presto (see you soon)!
Special Guest Editor for May 2020
Mario Guagliano, Contributing Editor
MFN and Full Professor at the Technical University of Milan
E-mail: mario.guagliano@polimi.it