in Vol. 24 - January Issue - Year 2023
Automated Shot Peening On High Volumes

Inner view Axle Beam shot peening

Robotic shot peening
"Surfex" has brought revolution in the shot peening machine for the automobile industry by introducing the high-performance dual robotic shot peening machine for mass production. As we all know that automobile industry survives on volume, to cater for their shot peening application in volume was a challenge. "Surfex" accepted this challenge and introduced a Dual Robotic shot peening machine complying to the latest shot peening standards and European safety standards.
Axle beam of a four-wheeler vehicle undergoes both vehicle and jerk loads due to which failure of parts under stress is common, so to address this issue, "Surfex" introduced Automated Shot Peening solution.
The machine was designed to shot-peen axle beams of various four-wheeler vehicles to increase fatigue life by relieving tensile stress and inducing compressive stress while enhancing the life cycle of axle beam, so the machine was designed in such a way that idle non-productive time of the machine is almost zero, due to this machine being able to perform round-the-clock thus working with 99% availability. It is able to perform a shot peening task in 60-80 seconds.
For automobile component manufacturing, the machine consists of twin jigs mounted on a trolley. Parts are loaded on jigs with the help of a job manipulator or jib crane, and when one jig is under shot peening operation, another jig is at the loading/unloading station for part loading/unloading operation.
Shot peening is performed by Dual 6 axis robots, with peening nozzles mounted on each robot. Shot flow is controlled by magna valves and shot size is controlled by Sweco shot classifier. Each robot performs shot peening in a synchronous pattern along with jig manipulation and is handled by Safe Move software, thus maintaining the highest degree of safety standards and guarantying peening intensity repeatability.
The machine consists of smart features that identify the part model number and automatically select the required recipe of shot peening and robot program while also validating that shot peening has been performed on the part, thus minimizing human interference and chances of error.
Several well-known OEMs, Tier1 and Tier2 in the Automobile and Aerospace industries are already partnering with "Surfex", looking into process verification and validation of the shot peening solution, which they believe is another milestone in their respective industry.
For Information:
Surface Finishing Equipment CO.
E-100, MIA, Phase-II, Basni, Jodhpur-342 005, Rajasthan, India
Tel. +91.291.2740128, Mob. +91.9829921925
E-mail: info@surfexindia.com