
VOL. 24 March ISSUE YEAR 2023

From Editor's Desk

in Vol. 24 - March Issue - Year 2023
Solid Readership for MFN INTERNATIONAL!
Example of click analysis of online articles of the MFN September 2022 issue

Example of click analysis of online articles of the MFN September 2022 issue

For an industrial magazine, the most important factor that secures its long-term success is its readership. Once the readership is secured, advertisers and paid subscriptions will follow. Being in its 23rd year of publishing this magazine, MFN has proven that it understands these mechanisms of the publishing world.

There are very few internationally published industrial magazines, especially in the surface preparation industry. One of the reasons is surely that it is not easy to collect enough topics for one issue of the magazine to attract readers equally from all over the world. MFN INTERNATIONAL, with its 6373 kinds of magazines distributed to nearly 70 countries, has to face this challenge again and again. It is probably appropriate to say that there is no other international magazine in the world that combines the fields of peening, blasting and vibratory finishing as sincerely and regularly as MFN.

MFN is always committed to being a printed magazine given that almost each student can publish a magazine online nowadays, which can be done nearly overnight. However, to be able to handle the logistics and the cost to publish a printed magazine and to distribute it internationally is a completely different benchmark. Such a fact alone requires that the content must be of certain quality.

Besides the printed version, we publish the magazine online as well, which, however, is 2 months later than the printed version. Our numbers of readers for the "non-latest" online article is still impressive, with the average clicks of every online article exceeding 800!

I would like to take the chance to thank all the loyal readers and advertisers of MFN for following this small success story of our magazine! I hope there will be many years to come!

Andrzej Wojtas (Ph.D.)
Chief Editor of MFN, E-mail: andrzej@mfn.li