in Vol. 25 - July Issue - Year 2024
Strategic Expansion and Unprecedented Growth Propel the Future of Blast Cleaning Technologies

Carl Panzenhagen, President & CEO of Blast Cleaning Technologies

Blast Cleaning Technologies, historic Allis Chalmer Facility, West Allis, Wisconsin

BCT Cast Products, our new 80,000 sq. ft. state-of-the-art foundry

160,000 sq. ft. facility has the space and capacity to design, build and fully test the largest blast systems

Modern state-of-the-art manufacturing facility with over 55’ of hook clearance. We design, cut, bend and assemble, in house at BCT.

24 Wheel Continuous Wire Mesh Belt Blast System with Magnetic Separators, Full Platforming with Stairway Access, equipped with our extreme-duty TwistLOK™, e-Wheel™
MFN had the pleasure to talk to Carl Panzenhagen, President & CEO of Blast Cleaning Technologies.
(?) MFN: In recent years, BCT has emerged as a prominent leader in shotblasting within North America. Can you elaborate on the strategic approach behind this and what factors helped drive this growth?
(!) C. P.: Our journey began in 2012 when we provided our very first equipment order for a complete shotblast system. Prior to 2012, we provided service, technical support, repairs, and upgrades for all makes and models of shotblast equipment. In early 2012, one of our customers 'pushed' us into building a new blast system. Within just a few short months, this momentum grew, and we acquired multiple new equipment projects. These were not standard machines; they were large, custom shot blast machines requiring significant engineering and innovative solutions to meet customer requirements. BCT began with fewer than 20 employees, including just two engineers. We now have nearly 300 employees, with over 45 engineers on staff. Our initial machines were built in a small 15,000 sq. ft. facility, which we expanded to 35,000 sq. ft in 2013. By 2018, we had reached the point that we could not continue our growth in the existing facilities. In 2019, we relocated to the historic former Allis Chalmers facility, located in West Allis, Wisconsin. Our 160,000 sq. ft. facility, equipped with a dozen overhead cranes and capable of accommodating assembly heights exceeding 55 ft., enabling us to support continued growth and meet our customers' needs.
(?) MFN: BCT originated as a sales and engineering company but has since evolved into a fully-fledged manufacturing facility. What was the driving force behind this expansion?
(!) C. P.: It was 100% customer-driven. Our customers have continued to come to BCT over the past 12 years. In 2018, it became clear that the only way we could continue the same level of support customers expected from us was through continued investment. Since 2012, we've grown over 2000%, adding an average of 150 new customers every year. Expanding our manufacturing capabilities enabled us to better control the machine build schedule and enhance our customer support. We no longer need to rely on vendors to address urgent customer needs. We understand our customers are the key to our success.
(?) MFN: I understand you are building a 2nd manufacturing facility to support Blast Cleaning Technologies. Could you please describe the facility and its offerings and elaborate on the strategy behind this investment? What will this do to separate you from others in the industry?
(!) C. P.: The new facility, known as BCT Cast Products, is 100% dedicated to providing shot blast parts to our customers. Ensuring our customers have spare parts when they need them is in our DNA. There is no excuse for running customers out of parts– they chose us for a reason, and we take that commitment very seriously. Our new captive foundry is truly state-of-the-art. It is unlike any other foundry in design, function, and environmental impact. The facility is almost 80,000 sq. ft and, in addition to our casting processes, it also houses our machining operation. We have two casting lines. The first is a no-bake casting line that utilizes ceramic mold media which eliminates silica from the operation. The second cell is a fully automated, robotic investment casting process line, capable of over 120 molds per hour. BCT Cast Products was designed and engineered by our in-house engineering team, who also designed and manufactured over 70% of our equipment in the new plant. This significant investment in our future allows us to support our customers at an unmatched level.
(?) MFN: What are BCT’s core product lines for your business model today and what are your products' distinguishing features vs. your competitors?
(!) C. P.: Our product lines are 100% focused on shot blasting and material handling associated with supporting the blast process. Our New Equipment line is broken down into two distinct product lines, the first one is our E-Series or Extreme-Duty systems and the second is our SE or Standard Equipment which aligns more closely with other manufacturers and more budget-minded machines. Extreme-Duty machines are our core product, representing the majority of the machines we provide. With over 40 design engineers on staff, our ability to custom-build is second to none. We've built some of the largest blast systems in the US over the past 12 years and have become one of today's leading providers of custom blasts.
Another key product line for BCT is our Upgrade Products. We have a team of engineers dedicated to upgrading existing blast equipment, 95% of which is non-BCT equipment. Our upgrades include machine cabinets, doors, separation systems, reclaim updates, and even new electrical controls.
At BCT, all design engineering, electrical panel design, build, and programming are performed in-house, providing us with a higher level of capability compared to most of our competitors. We support these efforts through our technical service team, providing either full installation or supervision.
Over the past seven years, our investment in TwistLOK™ e-Wheel™ Technology has generated significant momentum for us. The TwistLOK™ e-Wheel™ family includes five main blast wheel sizes, known as our M1 through M5 families. We also offer internal blast wheels, known as e-Wheel™ lance systems and designed for tight spaces i.e. hopper cars for the rail industry. All TwistLOK™ e-Wheels™ include patented features making wheel maintenance much easier than traditional wheels. We've also upgraded the internal wheel components to investment cast tool steel for a precision fit and great performance. With our vertical integration and now our own cast products division, we can provide customers with complete wheel assemblies with the availability to ship the same day if required. Despite being one of the largest producers of new equipment in the US, we provide more TwistLOK™ e-Wheels™ to customers with other OEM equipment. Many customers want our technology but don't have the budget for new equipment, so we make the upgrade easy, in many cases with pre-engineered mounting kits, with readily bolt-on wheels installations.
We currently inventory over $6M in spare parts to meet customer demands and employ the largest technical service team in North America. Customers are faced with the challenge of finding experienced help to maintain their equipment; to support them, we've invested heavily in a highly trained, direct technical support team that provides several service products depending on our customer's needs. This includes providing in-depth training, comprehensive machine inspections, installations – both turn-key or supervision, and on-site maintenance support where we perform the repairs. The service segment of our business continues to grow based on customer needs and we will continue to increase our staffing over the next several years.
(?) MFN: What markets do you focus on at BCT and do you see further expansion?
(!) C. P.: We began by supplying extreme-duty equipment to the foundry and forge markets, tackling some of the most demanding applications in the industry. BCT has applied these design concepts to various markets, including wire, fabrication, strip, pipe, and automotive, among others. Today, we are engaged in nearly every market with our new equipment, upgrades, wheels, parts, and services. Much of our business involves supporting other OEM machines with our products. Many manufacturers lack the technical support or the level of engineering and manufacturing expertise we offer, providing us with valuable opportunities to assist customers who are under-served. We receive requests for support every week, sometimes even daily, and we consistently deliver.
(?) MFN: Can you tell me us how BCT is handling all the environmental and safety concerns in the world today?
(!) C. P.: BCT Cast Products Division is operating utilizing the most environmentally friendly materials including the use of ceramic molding media in place of silica sand. Our system is designed for 100% continuous closed-loop media reclamation, meaning our waste production is extremely low.
We believe that offering designs and enhanced materials that last longer help our customers extend their operational periods between component replacements, positively impacting the environment.
From a safety standpoint, we have an aggressive design process that requires our design team to review all areas of the blast system to ensure easy, safe access for inspection and component replacement. Most of our systems include full stairway access and large access platforms allowing technicians to perform their work without concern. Our technical service team provides comprehensive training at commissioning, with a strong focus on critical safety procedures.
(?) MFN: I’ve seen your recent ad “Largest Service Fleet in North America” why do you consider this so important?
(!) C. P.: BCT has made a substantial investment in Technical Field Support. Recognizing the challenges our customers encounter, we remain dedicated to enhancing this aspect of our business. This commitment enables our customers to concentrate on manufacturing while relying on BCT for comprehensive support and training for their blast systems. Notably, more than half of our service support work involves servicing other OEM equipment.
MFN would like to thank Carl Panzenhagen for this interview!
Blast Cleaning Technologies
6682 W. Greenfield Ave.,
West Allis, WI 53214, USA
Tel. +1.262.785.7577
E-mail: sales@bct-us.com