
VOL. 5 November ISSUE YEAR 2004


in Vol. 5 - November Issue - Year 2004
1st Aeronautical Engineering Conference of Shot Peening in China (August 30-31, 2004)

China’s first Aeronautical Engineering Conference of Shot Peening in the 21st century was held in Beijing on August 30, 2004 and organized by Surface Engineering Committee of Aeronautical Engineering and sponsored by Beijing Institute of Aeronautical Materials. It was decided not just to discuss mechanism and applications of shot peening, blasting and peen forming in aeronautical engineering, but to design a completely new comprehensive curriculum including shot peening, blasting and peen forming and to extend our concept of shot peening, blasting and peen forming from a view of surface manufacture engineering and technology. Furthermore, this conference also decided to cooperate with international committee/companies on shot peening.
All participants in this conference arrived at the following agreements on shot peening:

1. China is a big product market in the world and should make progress in shot peening to improve parts’ quality.
2. A new shot peening standard should be built to guarantee quality of parts and some concepts such as double shot peening, over-shot peening and residual stress assessment will be added to this new standard.
3. Shot peening operators in aeronautical engineering must be trained by shot peening committee of China’s aeronautical engineering before they work on shot peening.
4. A conference on shot peening will be held by the shot peening committee of China’s aeronautical engineering in China every three years, which will be held a year before ICSP.
5. Research & development on shot peening in aeronautical engineering will accelerate development of mechanical engineering and speed up the development of industry in China.
6. Cooperation with international committee/companies of shot peening will be a part of the action for shot peening committee of China’s aeronautical engineering to develop and spread the application of shot peening in China.

For information:
Prof. Yu-kui GAO  
Beijing Institute of Aeronautical Materials
P.O. Box 81-5 
Beijing 100095, China
Tel. +86.10.62456622 ext 5351
Fax +86-10-62458028
E-mail: yukui.gao@biam.ac.cn