in Vol. 10 - May Issue - Year 2009
2nd MFN Flap Peening Workshop sponsored by 3M in Neuss, Germany

MFN Trainer Shlomo Ramati (left) explaining the use of the flap peening equipment

"Due to the great success of the 1st event last year, 3M decided to support this promising flap peening workshop again", explains Stefan Nowak, 3M Abrasive Systems Division Sales Director North Germany.
MFN held another successful flap peening workshop at the 3M innovation center at Neuss. The workshop was given by Shlomo Ramati with German translation of the presentations and exams. On passing the examinations the attendants received certificates of achievements which include FAA acceptance. The workshop consisted of theoretical as well as hands on training with the equipment.
The hands on training was done in the center's basement which is set up with equipment for training purposes. Several of the attendants were well versed in the peening process but had never been exposed to the powerful applications possible with the self contained peening process. They noted that the various applications shown by Shlomo's wide field experience were of special interest. "It adds a lot when you see and hear from first hand experience", a participant remarked. Each attendant peened an Almen strip on a 3M magnetic holder so that they could feel and experience doing so. It was surprising to all the attendants that, after they all tried their hand with a bit of coaching, the resulting arc heights were all within about 0.001" A Almen.
This was a very good demonstration that for corrective re-peening they were all competent and the results were repeatable after a relatively short time.
Shlomo also demonstrated more advanced methods of peen forming and straightening.
MFN would like to thank Dr.-Ing. Juergen Fromlowitz and Stefan Nowak of 3M Abrasive Systems Division for his hospitality and sponsorship.
For Information on flap peening training or any other training offered by MFN contact:
Tel. +41.44.8312644, Fax +41.44.8312644
E-mail: info@mfn.li, www.mfn.li