in Vol. 12 - January Issue - Year 2011
Pangborn Group appoints Henrik Jensen President and CEO

Henrik Jensen, President and CEO of Pangborn Group

FAIRBURN, Ga. (Nov. 1, 2010) — Capital Equipment Resources LLC, which conducts business as the Pangborn Group, has appointed Henrik Jensen as its new President and Chief Executive Officer.
Jensen joins the Pangborn Group after a distinguished career with Sauer-Danfoss, where he served as Managing Director, Executive Vice President and President of the Work Function Division. In this capacity, Jensen led an international team of more than 3,000 employees serving the mobile equipment market with advanced systems for the distribution and control of power.
Andrew M. Bursky, Chairman of Capital Equipment Resources, says everyone at the Pangborn Group is excited Jensen is joining the team. "Henrik has a successful track record leading high-performance global management teams," he says, "and his background in the industries the Pangborn Group serves will be a huge benefit as we broaden our products and services offerings across the globe. Henrik’s contagious enthusiasm, deep integrity and proven effectiveness are invaluable assets as he takes the helm of our strong management team. We look forward to working with Henrik over the coming months and years."
The Pangborn Group designs, manufactures and services shotblast and surface preparation machines and related products for a range of industries, including foundry and forge, metalworking and descaling, automotive and heavy truck, ship and rail, defense, and energy. The company has led the way in all aspects of the surface preparation industry with unique designs, heavy-duty applications, and best-in-class service and support. The Pangborn Group is headquartered in Fairburn, Georgia, and includes four leading surface preparation brands: Pangborn, Pangborn Europe, V+S - Vogel and Schemmann, and Berger Strahltechnik. For more information about the Pangborn Group, please visit www.pangborngroup.com.
The Pangborn Group is an affiliate of Atlas Holdings LLC, an industrial holding company headquartered in Greenwich, Connecticut. Atlas companies employ more than 5,000 people and operate in a number of industrial sectors including building materials, capital equipment, trading and wholesale distribution, steel mill services, wood products, packaging, and pulp and paper. Over the past 25 years, the principals of Atlas, in partnership with capable management teams, have built more than 40 companies in a variety of industries. For more information on Atlas, please visit www.atlasholdingsllc.com.
For Information:
Donna Gordon
The Pangborn Group
4630 Coates Drive, Fairburn
GA 30213-2975, USA
Tel. +1.404.655.5700 ext. 2710
E-mail: dgordon@pangborn.com