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Introduction of Ruwei Liu
Mr. Liu Ruwei was born on March, 1962, in Ruao City, Jiangsu Province, P.R.of China. From 1980 to 1984, he studied Metal Material & Heat Treatment Engineering for his Engineering Bachelor Degree in the Dept. of Material Science & Engineering, Shandong Industry University. From 1985 to 1989, he studied for his master degree of Metal Material and Engineering at Shandong Industry University.rnFrom 1984 to 1999, he worked as a faculty member in Shandong Industry University. In 1990 Shandong Industry University was merged into Shandong University, since then he has been working as associate professor and director for postgraduate study in the metal abrasive material research group, Institute of Material Science & Eng. He also serves as the general deputy secretary of the following Sub-group of China National Standard Committee: SAC/TC186/SC3 Shot Blasting/Peening Technology sub-group; SAC/TC5/SC6 metal surface processing for coating and coating technology Sub-group. He is the member of the peening technology professional Committee of Failure Analysis Branch of China Mechanical Engineering Society, and he also serves as the Chief Technology Officer for Shandong Kaitai Group Co., Ltd.rnSince 1984, he has been engaged in the research, production and training of the peening technology for metal surface cleaning and strengthening, including metal abrasives and related equipment. He also participated in the postgraduate education.rnHe is responsible for the drafting and standardization of the Shot Blasting, Peening and Cleaning for China machinery industry. He has published more than 30 shot peening, blasting cleaning and strengthening applications and metal abrasives related papers on academic publications and professional journals at home and abroad. He wrote 5 books on shot blasting/peening and metal heat treatment. He took part in drafting and finalizing 15 National Standards and Industrial Standards for shot peening, blasting cleaning, metal abrasives and equipment. He filed and was granted 6 Patents on the metal abrasive production.