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Introduction of Wang Qi

Wang Qi, male, born in January 1963, vice-chairman of National Shot Peening Technology Society, committee member of the Technical Committee of Pre-painting Metal Surface Treatment (TC5/SC6) and the National Technical Committee of Spring Standardization (SAC/TC), member of Gear and Electric Drive Branch of China General Machinery Industry Association(CMCA), European MFN and American EI Association. He currently holds the position of the general manager of Jiangsu Daqi Metal Surface Preparation Co., Ltd.. Mr.Wang has published 8 academic papers such as Effect of Isothermal Annealing on Stress Relief of Shot Peening Strengthened SiCwAl Composite and Application of Finite Element Technique in Predicting the Micro Pressure of TiB2Al Composite at the 11th and 12th International Conference on Shot Peening (ICSP) and other academic papers such as Several Practical Shot peening Techniques for Spring Materials and Research on Controlled Shot Peening Process for Locomotive Traction Gear at the industry conferences of National Shot Peening Technology Society and others.