in Vol. 4 - September Issue - Year 2003
The new Almen Gage "Industrial Plus"


Peening Accessories GmbH is a German company and manufactures probably the most complete range of different Almen products. It has a warehouse in the USA as well as in Europe and a total of 19 international distributors.
To complete its line of Almen Gages, Peening Accessories GmbH is introducing the "Industrial Plus". Different to the standard "Industrial" type, which is a very cost sensitive model, this new version has the same protective casing as the high end model, which is the HP Almen gage. The aluminium casing is sandblasted and nickel plated to give it a high quality surface finish. All gages can be used for A, N, C and Aluminium strips and include a 2 year free calibration service. On request the standard "Industrial" Almen gage can be up-graded to the "Industrial Plus" or even the "HP" type. The gages are delivered in a high quality hard plastic suitcase, which prevents the sensitive devices from being damaged during transportation or storage.
Certification of the Almen Gages
All gages, no matter what type, meet the AMS-S-13165C and the SAE J442 Dec-01 specification.
The mentioned specifications state clearly what dimensions, tolerances and requirements have to be fulfilled. The gages come with a calibration certificate, which is issued by an independent laboratory called EJOT. All specified dimensions, tolerances and requirements are measured and certified by EJOT. The laboratory, which is doing the calibration of the gages on MAHR equipment is an accredited institution according to the ISO 9000 series. In order to be able to confirm all statements, the gages are delivered with a total of 4 different certificates.
Certificate No. 1:
EJOT approves that in terms of calibration and general measurements the specifications are met.
Certificate No. 2:
MAHR, a measurement equipment manufacturer certifies that EJOT is using equipment permitted for calibrations.
Certificate No. 3:
SYLVAC, the Swiss manufacturer of dials confirms the calibration of its dial.
Certificate No. 4:
Peening Accessories GmbH certifies that it fulfils the AMS-S-13165C and the SAE J442 Dec-01 specification.
New International Distributors
Peening Accessories has added two distributors to its world-wide network of sales representatives. Both of them have extensive experience in the field of peening.
For the Netherlands:
Tel. +31.78.6511 477
E-Mail: info@straaltechniek.nl
For South Korea:
O.I.C. (Ocean International Corp.)
Tel. +82.2.522 1023
E-Mail: oicorp@kornet.net
For Information:
Peening Accessories GmbH (Sales Office)
Tel.: +41.1.831 2644, Fax: +41.1.831 2645
E-mail: info@peeningaccessories.com